Lt. Gen. Sir Graeme Lamb KBE CMG DSO
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Lt. Gen. Sir Graeme Lamb KBE CMG DSO

‘We are defined in this world not by our permanence, but by our significance in the service to others. Christopher’s part and success in the famous ‘Hands Across the Border’ project where I came across him was heartfelt, dutiful and forever lasting. Bless him for being the Christopher we remember.’

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Edwin Williamson, Emeritus Professor of Spanish Studies, University of Oxford
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Edwin Williamson, Emeritus Professor of Spanish Studies, University of Oxford

“The news of Christopher’s death cut very deep. My wife Susan and I have been friends of the Land family for so long, having first met Moira and Ray as students at Edinburgh University and subsequently lived in the same neighbourhood in south-west London and then in Morningside, after both families moved to Edinburgh. I felt touched and privileged to have been asked to be godfather to Christopher, and well remember the day of his christening in Putney. After moving back to Scotland, our families remained good friends: our daughters went to the same schools, we shared family walks in the Borders, enjoyed meals and parties together. I saw Christopher grow from boy to man: a warm, sensitive, highly intelligent young man. I fondly recall a drink we had together in the Braid Hills Hotel, where among many other things we discussed his choice of subjects at A-level. I like to think that what clinched his decision to take Spanish was my suggestion that he attend a summer school in Salamanca, where he had a thoroughly good time and acquired an enduring fondness of things Spanish.

I took pride in Christopher’s achievements: reading Oriental Studies at Cambridge, travelling widely, working in finance in London, and then returning to Scotland to embark on a new career in politics, law and public service. It is tragic that a life of such promise should have been cut short. Indeed, it seems incredible that we could have lost dear Christopher.

Although the current epidemic prevented me from travelling to Edinburgh to be present at the funeral, I was able to follow - in real time from my home in Oxford - the readings and music in the Order of Service. I was especially struck by Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings, which for me expressed feelings which one would have struggled to put into words. It was a deeply moving farewell for a truly admirable and much-loved young man. May he rest in peace.”

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Neale Richmond TD (Irish MP)
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Neale Richmond TD (Irish MP)

“In early 2017, I received an email asking if I’d fancy coming to play a rugby match in Edinburgh. This began the Scottish & Irish parliamentary rugby fixture that has now been held four times. Throughout this period, I was thrilled to get to know Chris and to call him a friend. We played rugby together and against each other in Dublin, Edinburgh and London.

Whenever I travelled to Scotland, not just Edinburgh, Chris would go out of his way to meet for a meal or drinks. I thoroughly enjoyed his company, his unfaltering enthusiasm and I was devastated to learn of his passing. Chris made good friends throughout rugby but, particularly in Ireland, he will be missed by many.

Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam.”

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Angus Aitken
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Angus Aitken

“I have been thinking about Chris the past couple of days and the special time we spent together working to build the Hands Across The Border Cairn in Gretna. Irn Bru in hand, he worked intensively and found a way through whatever mad situation we found ourselves in. I thought about how passionately he believed in the cause, reflected in the fact that your whole family represents a microcosm of what it means to come from heritage scattered across these islands. There were more relaxed times as well, when we'd take an afternoon off and go exploring the estuaries of the coast, or sneak in to the swimming pool of the house whose grounds we were staying in to live like kings, even if just for one day. And that we basically lived like squatters in that little shed on mattresses on the floor! And how we were so ecstatic at the end, believing that he and I had done our little bit. What a time, and what a cause, and what a man.”

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JD Roth
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

JD Roth

“The world is worse off for having lost Chris. He and I last saw each other at Cambridge during the May balls but we stayed in contact both before and since that time up until this past Christmas where we wished one another’s families well for the holidays. I was always keen to hear what Chris had been up to: whether it was politics or rugby, he always had a new story to tell. I appreciated his passion and convictions both for the diversions in his life as well as his loving family.

Both Chris and your family have made more significant impacts on my life than I suspect you would have imagined. When you took me in for Christmas back in 2006 I was able to see into the wonderful connections that made up your family. You all showed me such kindness and class that it has left an indelible mark on me and the type of welcome and feeling of home I hope that I can provide others one day.”

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Senator John McGahon
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Senator John McGahon

“Thinking of Chris and his family. Really sad to hear this news this morning. Had the pleasure of becoming great friends with him since we first met in 2017. He will be so sadly missed.

Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam.”

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Duncan and Val Macniven
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Duncan and Val Macniven

“We were shocked and saddened to hear from Martin about Christopher’s tragic death and we just want to send you our deepest condolences. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Duncan has happy memories of Christopher in Springboard and more recent chats with him over coffee at church. He mentioned in particular the time that Springboard were away in the Glen Nevis area. Chris not only braved the crossing of the river on the precarious wire bridge at Steall but then chose to return by fording the river in his trainers. I hope that did not mean the end of the shoes.

Our sympathies go to you all.”

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Alex Bescoby
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Alex Bescoby

“Chris was a true, true gentleman. We played rugby against each other at Cambridge, then reconnected in Gretna working with Rory. We stayed in touch through rugby and I saw him for a drink last spring in Edinburgh when I was up giving a talk. I will miss him, dearly.”

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Ezzie Lockhart
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Ezzie Lockhart

“Words honestly cannot convey how sad I am to hear the news about Chris.

While I didn’t see Chris that often, over the 16+ years of knowing Chris, our relationship evolved from being his little sister’s friend, to a friendship of its own. From birthdays to gigs and events in between, I always had so much fun with him and I have many fond memories.

ONe memory that stands out in particular is a Land Sibling Sunday Dinner that I invited myself to six years ago. This photo comes from that night when we had such a lovely evening, filled with wine, laughter and good food. I hadn’t been aware that Chris was such a good cook until then!

I will always remember Chris as being such a kind, intelligent, witty man. When we can, I look forward to celebrating his life with all of you. In the meantime, I will be raising a glass and remembering him.”

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Caro Boss (née Wood)
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Caro Boss (née Wood)

“Chris and I first met when I was 15 and he was 16 as members of the younger sibling club, when Rachel and Ele first became chums and, although we didn’t see each other often, we got on like a house on fire whenever we were together. We briefly dated as teenagers, and he took me on my first “grown up” date, and when I realised I didn’t know the names of any alcoholic drinks to order, he sweetly got me a coke instead and told me not to worry about it, and that I had no-one to impress.

He was kind and funny and chivalrous and every time I saw him for the years after, I always knew that he would make me laugh, have something interesting to say, and leave me wishing I saw him more often. He sent me flowers for the birth of each of my daughters, even though by then I hadn’t seen him in person for a couple of years. He is one of those people that I will always regret not having spent more time with. I will cherish my memories of him.”

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Rachel Wood
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Rachel Wood

“I cannot begin to express how deeply sorry I am to hear about Chris. As Ele's brother, he has been around in my life since I was around 14. My impression of Chris over the years was of an intelligent, thoughtful, funny person. He briefly dated my sister when they were both teenagers and I remember Caro's excitement waiting to meet him for a pint at the Canny Man!

I was so impressed by the United Kingdom union work that he did - a matter that I felt strongly about.

I thought I would send through some pictures taken at mine and Ele's joint 30th birthday party. Chris was there, in his kilt, and I remember him having fun and joining in the makeshift reels with enthusiasm. I'm sorry if the images are slightly blurry, but I hope that they convey the fun evening we all had together.”

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Clare Wilkinson
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Clare Wilkinson

“I fondly remember Chris when he sang in the Junior Choir. He was a lively, amusing and friendly singer who participated with enthusiasm.
I feel privileged to have known him.”

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Commons and Lords RUFC
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Commons and Lords RUFC

“On behalf of our club Chairman Mark Pawsey, committee, members and players, our sincere thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Chris Land, the former Captain of Holyrood Rugby and founder, who sadly passed away yesterday. He was a true ‘rugby family’ man and will be missed.”

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XV Parlementaire (French Parliament Rugby Team)
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

XV Parlementaire (French Parliament Rugby Team)

“The XV Parlementaire is dismayed by this terrible news and shares with Commons and Lords RUFC, Dail and Seanad XV, and Rygbi Senedd Cymru, the grief of Holyrood Rugby, the family and all the friends of Chris.”

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Finlay Carson MSP
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Finlay Carson MSP

“Very, very sad news. Chris single handedly brought the Scottish Parliament Rugby team back into being, to a truly Parliament team, and we are here now because of his amazing efforts.

My thoughts are with all his family and friends at this tragic time.”

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Danny Talbot
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Danny Talbot

“Very sad day for the club. Chris made tremendous efforts to get the Scottish Parliament Rugby Club off the ground. We all owe so many fond memories of great days and nights as a club to him and his efforts. This is truly shocking and tragic news.

Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam.”

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Jennifer Manning
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Jennifer Manning

“I am truly stunned by this news. I remember you fondly as a sweet family that opened the doors of your home to me and another postgrad student on Christmas Day, 2015. Receiving strangers at home on such a special family day is not something that anyone would do. It really reflects such kindheartedness and goodness. You were all so very welcoming on that day and I particularly remember Christopher sweetly trying his best to crack some jokes to put myself and Hrutika at ease. Thank you for sharing that Christmas day five years ago with me. It was a lovely day. Attached are the pictures we took that Christmas.”

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Craig Stewart Toner
Clarissa Land Clarissa Land

Craig Stewart Toner

“I am so sorry to hear this awful news. Chris was the ultimate gent on and off the field and was superb in getting me into the groove ahead of the Ireland match which was my first adult game to referee. A game I certainly will never forget. Thinking of his family and his friends.”

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