
When Chris began working at the Scottish Parliament, he wanted a rugby team to join. A keen and talented rugby player, he pioneered and worked incredibly hard to establish and build The Scottish Parliament Rugby Club himself, going on to organise fixtures around the UK and abroad. The team is now gratefully collecting donations in memory of Chris, Founding President and first captain of their club.

Donations will go to School of Hard Knocks, a charity with which Chris firmly supported, and whose work was close his heart.



Calum Gauld, School of Hard Knocks

Rugby is all about the people you meet and the memories you can make. The game is fantastic, but it’s the relationships you build and the moments that you take from it that truly make it what it is. Chris fully understood and revelled in that! The parliament team was about building bridges across nations, along with sharing in the camaraderie and giving his team mates experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. 

His support of SoHK was no different. He saw the impact that rugby can have on someone’s life and the power that sport and rugby have for change. The confidence and joy that can be gained from feeling part of something and the lasting effect these memories can have. This was something Chris knew, and he did everything he could to support and help us give these opportunities to hundreds of people that needed them most.  

I am hugely appreciative of all the help and support he gave me and deeply honoured to have called him a team mate and friend. Myself and countless others have memories they will cherish for years to come, and Chris made them happen.” 


Rosa Innes, School of Hard Knocks

“Chris made contact with us when we had barely launched in Scotland. He developed a partnership between us and the Holyrood rugby team which, honestly, we thought was incredibly cool! Immediate access via the team itself and its supporters to a great number of Holyrood staff and MSPs- access we did not previously have! What was really exciting about this was the mix of parties involved and the fact that they were all a team on the pitch. This worked really well for us (as we must be relatively apolitical and very diplomatic) but also really illustrated our values - that everyone is equal on the rugby pitch!

The Welsh Assembly got wind of the partnership and actually contacted me, directly, via twitter- to ask if they could have a similar partnership with our Welsh SOHK team- who were absolutely delighted! Both the Welsh Assembly team and Holyrood RFC raised a substantial amount of money for us and remain our partners. Through these two teams we’ve also had access to the Commons and Lords teams and the Irish parliament (with Calum getting to go to Ireland and all the parties/pubs too!)

Chris attended our supporter events. He was usually a bit late, but always there, a constant supporter.

Chris really was instrumental in the early days of SOHK in Scotland. His help gained us a great amount of exposure and some financial support. I am very grateful, and I really wish I had told him so and made clear to him just how impactful his support was. A lesson for me.

I have attached photos of Chris when he was playing for the Holyrood RFC team, in SOHK kit, Vs a team made up of our participants. He looks really happy and this is how I remember him. Of note- spectators at this game included Scotland/Edinburgh player Mark Bennet and also Mr Gavin Hastings! There are more photos from this match I can share if you would like them- these are the main ones with Chris in them.

I, and SOHK, are so incredibly grateful to be the beneficiaries of an in-memory collection for Chris. I really can’t imagine a greater honour and for me it’s so affirming of the work we do. I am humbled. This pushes me/us all on to be the best at what we do.”